Bullet Journalling
The Bullet Journal helps you organizing your daily life and having an overview of your tasks, goals, ideas and thoughts. You can adapt the Bullet Journal to your individual needs and preferences. Like that a practical guide for your daily life, studies and business is created. The high-quality Bullet Journal is available in the format A5 (Medium) with a black cover and an elegant blind embossing. The front and end pages contain explanations and hints to create a perfect Bullet Journal. In addition the website bulletjournal.com gives helpful videos and ideas.
The LEUCHTTURM1917 Bullet Journal offers you the following characteristics:
•Ruling: The dotted ruling facilitates the writing. Drawings can be prepared easily as well.
•Content: The content is already preprinted. That saves time.
•Numbered pages: The pages are already numbered and facilitate the transfer/link to the content.
•Page-marker: The Bullet Journal contains 3 page markers in different colors.
•Gusseted pocket in the cover: Collect small memories, notepads or cards
•Labels for archiving
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