Soma Coffee It all started when a love of coffee and a desire to bring high grade speciality coffee to Cork was at the forefront of our minds.
We started with a humble coffee machine serving up delectable brews to the ever-growing coffee curious public. With their support, we went on to expand our operation and purchased a Giesen 6kg small batch coffee roaster. This enabled us to source green coffees from some of the most progressive producers around the globe, roast these to perfection and serve them (in style) to the public of Cork City. And all this happened under one roof at 23 Tuckey St, Cork City, Ireland.
Over the years, we've noticed when it comes to espresso, people lean heavily towards Brazilian coffees. While we love our Brazilian espressos, we want to start offering a more diverse range of origins for espresso. That's where our latest Guatemalan comes into play. Guatemalan coffees are known for being excellent on espresso; they tend to offer a great balance of body, intensity and just enough acidity to be exciting, while not being dominantly acidic.
This coffee is grown by local farmers that grow coffee on small farms (most of them around 1Ha) in the Huehuetenango region of Guatemala. The coffee is processed by hand by the individual farmers before being delivered to Olam's Union Cantinil buying station where they consolidate the lots and perform necessary quality checks. Huehuetenango's high altitude and rich soil make it an ideal location for growing high-quality specialty coffee, and the results speak for themselves.
On the cupping table, this coffee is the epitome of a perfect balance. It offers a rich creamy body with notes of chocolate and a toffee sweetness: flavours that really pop off in a flat white! It doesn't end there though. It has a subtle acidity that really comes to the forefront when drank as an espresso or a black coffee. The acidity brings out notes of apple and juicy cherry that makes this coffee a versatile and delicious espresso. Having said that, we diversity of this coffee doesn't end there; try it in an AeroPress or pour over and you're bound to be impressed.
If you want to venture into new coffee origins for espresso, try this Guatemalan today!
- Origin - Guatemala, Huehuetenango
- Producer - Various Smallholders
- Varietal - Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon, Pache
- Altitude - 1500-1800 masl
- Process - Washed
- Notes - Chocolate, Apple, Cherry, Toffee
- Cupping Score - 85
Bag Size: 250g