Soma Coffee It all started when a love of coffee and a desire to bring high grade speciality coffee to Cork was at the forefront of our minds.
We started with a humble coffee machine serving up delectable brews to the ever-growing coffee curious public. With their support, we went on to expand our operation and purchased a Giesen 6kg small batch coffee roaster. This enabled us to source green coffees from some of the most progressive producers around the globe, roast these to perfection and serve them (in style) to the public of Cork City. And all this happened under one roof at 23 Tuckey St, Cork City, Ireland.
Just because it's decaf doesn't mean it can't taste just as great as regular coffee! Our decaf is sourced and roasted with the same attention to detail as all our coffees and equally as delicious!
Here are some pro tips for brewing decaf!
- With the decaf process, some of the flavour can be lost along with the caffeine - to counter this, dose a little more coffee per cup.
- If you want a coffee that packs a little more of a punch, but it's too late in the day for a full cup, try blending your decaf with another of our single origins for a half-caff coffee drink.
- Origin - Agaro, Jimma area of Western Ethiopia
- Producers - Mustefa Abakeno
- Varietal - Mixed
- Altitude - 2000 - 2100 masl
- Process - Sparkling Water Decaf
- Notes - Sweet Cereal Milk, Pastry & Churros
- Cupping Score - 84.25
Bag Size: 250g