Sarah McKenna Framed Ceramics - Journey Collection


A handmade ceramic tile impressed with a modern geometric pattern, adorned with a simple line drawing of a road winding off into the distance with a bright yellow glossy moon in the sky.


The imprinted text “enjoy the journey embrace the detours” is a reminder that we should have fun and enjoy the bends that appear on our journey.

The text “what is for you won’t pass you”, a phrase familiar to most Irish people and a philosophy many Irish people live by.

Impressed with the text “go n-éirí an bóthar leat”  translated from the Irish language to “May the road rise to meet you” from the well known Irish blessing which was originally written in Irish. In full, the blessing reads as follows:

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


The ceramic tiles, which are textured with wallpaper patterns are formed from flat pieces of clay which framed in white wooden frames made in Dundalk.

“I love to use a line or quote that strikes a happy chord in your memory; the phrases I’ve chosen for the ‘Journeys’ range are those we’d hear throughout Ireland and some farther afield…all about our travels through life.” - Sarah McKenna


Frame Size: 21 x 29 x 3 cm / weighs approx 1.2 kg

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